Thursday, February 14, 2013

Eternal Love

With today being Valentine’s Day, hopefully you’ll be the recipient of someone’s “love.”  Whether you are showered with flowers, chocolate, a greeting card, or even a simple, “Happy Valentine’s Day,” I hope you “feel” the love today.  But more important than the fleeting commercialization of a particular day on the calendar in which billions of dollars will be spent to put “love” on display, is the inexhaustible and eternal divine love of God for you.  The Bible verse I always think of on Valentine’s Day is the amazing verse in Jeremiah 31:3 in which God says to His people, “I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.”  The unfathomable mysteries of God, according to the Bible, can be condensed into three profound words, “God is love” (I John 4:8b).  So whether you “feel” the love today or you’re just not feeling it, know this as an indisputable and undeniable fact – you are exceedingly loved by God, and not just today, but every day!        


At 5:28 PM, Anonymous Tim Biggs said...

Whew! My hand is floating over the top of my head in an attempt to figure out what anonymous was trying unsuccessfully to tell us. What ever it was, I certainly DID get your message, my friend. God - the God you preach about and I sing and write about - is wonderful to love. We tend to overuse the word "love," yet its simpleness can make us put everything else behind us for just a glimpse of the one we hold dear. I, for one, appreciate those i love - and one of those is you, my pastor, my Captain, my friend! Thank you God, for the love You offer to Your children - even anonymous. may the writer before me feel YOUR love, Lord Jesus, throughout the rest of their life, and may they know that it is from you...the gift of Your Son!


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