Friday, May 07, 2010

Wesleyan Holiness Consortium

This last Tuesday I and about 90 other Nazarenes joined various Holiness denominational leaders and pastors in Portland for the first ever Wesleyan Holiness Consortium in the Pacific Northwest. It will be the annual gathering of those who believe and propagate the Biblical message of holy living and want to make sure that the message of holiness does not get lost in the 21st century. Even though most mainline and even evangelical churches do not preach and teach an intentional call to holy living empowered by the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit instead of just merely believing in Jesus, God Himself has indeed called us to live holy lives evidenced by the Fruit of the Sprit that we read about in Galatians chapter 5. It’s only when we live in true holiness in relation to God and others do we realize the joy of living fully in the Lord! For more information about the Consortium, you can go to


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